10 Reasons Meditation is Good for Business


One of the reasons I initially got into meditation myself, long before I became a teacher, was to help me cope with challenges of owning and running my own business. At the time I was running my human centred design practice and heading up some big projects with some even bigger clients, which meant big pressure.

After doing my Vedic Meditation training, the benefits immediately started to show. And while they were useful for me as a small business owner (and still are), they are just as important for businesses of any scale. Whether you’re a one woman or man show, a corporate employee, managing a large team or leading a whole organisation - meditation will help you operate in line with your highest potential by improving your wellbeing, clarity, creativity, focus and much more.

Here's a quick summary of the 10 reasons why meditation is good for you and your business.

  1. You will be generally calmer - which helps you deal with things in your day better. This will also help you be more resilient and adaptable.

  2. It will reduce your stress levels - which improves your general health and wellbeing and ensure you can perform under pressure.

  3. You will sleep better - this gives you the energy you need to handle the demands of your work or business. Getting enough and good quality sleep is also linked to many health and psychological benefits and reduces health risks.

  4. You are less likely to get sick - Which means you don't have unplanned time away from your business or have to work when you're feeling awful.

  5. You will have greater mental clarity and the ability to focus - Which helps you get things done and not waste time.

  6. You will be more in flow - things will come easier, you will move through things more quickly, be more productive and effective without feeling like you’re always pushing up hill.

  7. You will be more creative and innovative - ideas will flow and you will create with more ease. You’ll also give less of a $hi! about what everyone else is doing. Which in my opinion is very important for being ahead of the game.

  8. You will have greater awareness and perspective - you will be better at taking that extra second to step back and look at things from an outside view. You will see the big picture more clearly and get less caught up in the minutiae.

  9. You will have improved relationships - And business is all about relationships. Your empathy, compassion and ability to genuinely connect with and understand people will improve.

  10. You will be more conscious and in tune with yourself and others - which helps you create a business that is really aligned with your values and truly inspire and impact those you work with.

So if you're not meditating already, go and have a play - see what works for you. (Or come and learn Vedic Mediation with me). While I do teach Vedic Mediation and it was certainly the best technique for me, I don’t believe there’s one ‘best type’ of meditation for everyone. We all have a type that will be right for us.

Whichever technique you choose, ensure you create a regular daily practice. Research shows that the more you mediate, the greater the benefits. So try it out, see what sticks and what works for you and make it a regular part of your day. You and your business will thank you for it.


Human Centred Being: When Human Centred Design isn't Enough


Start with Why, but don't forget How