#1.11 Andrew Newman - Healing, Transitions & Bedtime Stories

My guest today in Andrew Newman, founder of the Conscious Bedtime Story Club. While expecting a working life as a retail jeweller in the family business in south Africa, the tug of something more always seemed to be there for Andrew. Shifting from everything from community development making hammocks, Andrew ended up following his deep longing for connection and his love of all things spiritual in a 10 year study of healing.

His portfolio of work includes running a therapy practice as a Barbara Brennan Healing Science Practitioner, inspiring and publishing over 1500 donated poems as the PoemCatcher, volunteer coordinator for Habitat for Humanity in the township of South Africa and directing Edinburgh's Festival of Spirituality and Peace. He is a qualified Non-Dual Kabbalistic Healer and has been actively involved in men's work though Mankind Project since 2006.

His latest project, The Conscious Bedtime Story Club, is a culmination of all of these areas of experience, intended to bring parent and child into deeper connection and spiritual union with themselves and each other.

Join Andrew and I as we discuss themes of  the one, expressing your inner self, setting intentions, transitions, inclusivity and the importance of the last 20 minutes of the day.

You can find Andrew at www.consciousstories.com

Books, Sites, People mentioned in Podcast you might want to check out:

Book - Hands of Light:A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field by Barbara Brennan http://www.amazon.com/Hands-Light-Healing-Through-Energy/dp/0553345397

The Pomodoro Technique - http://pomodorotechnique.com


#1.12 Reflections - Conscious Transitions


#1.09 Annie Carter - Creating a Space for Women to be their Best